For the exhibition programming we work together with the artists; who are actively involved in preparing it exhibition. At Espai Cavallers Gallery around 10 exhibitions are scheduled each year, both individually and collectively, with the participation of both artists from the Gallery and new artists, with the aim of offering our visitors a wide selection of current artistic production

Actual Exhibition


Sonia Alins, Olga Cortadelles, Judith Farr

From October 18th to November 16th, 2024

Group exhibition Elementals by the artists Sonia Alins, Olga Cortadelles and Judith Farr

Galeria Espai Cavallers

Visit Exhibition

Previous Exhibitions

Exhibition Artist Date
Cabezotas From September 6th to October 10th, 2024
Estimat diari From July 5th to July 31st from 2024
Horitzons i espais comuns – Lumínic Festival de Fotografia David del Val, Carles Figuerola From June 14th to July 13th, 2024
Love and Nature From June 4th to June 29th from 2024
Koyama From April 19th to May 25th, 2024
Dona i Terra Sònia Alins, Elsa Garate, Aurembiaix Sabaté, Lily Brick, Olga Cortadelles, Tamara Dahlke, Carole Puéo, Alexandra Balaguer, Palmira Rius, Mireia Serra, Anna Terricabras, Lita Cabellut From March 9th to April 13th, 2024
EL SUEÑO DE LA SULTANA: PROCÉS CREATIU Isabel Herguera From February 7th to February 28th from 2024
Joaquín Ureña From December 5th, 2023 to February 2nd, 2024
Reflexió sobre l’art (Setmana de l’Art 2023) Jordi Cerdà From November 17th to December 1st, 2023
Transferir imatges. Horitzons 2050 From October 20th to November 25th, 2023
Del Mediterrani al Segre Collective From September 8th to October 14th, 2023
El tarannà de l’art Collective From July 5th to September 2nd, 2023
CONSTANTS VITALS Andreu Buenafuente From May 26th to June 22nd, 2023
STRAPPO. FRESCOS ARRENCATS Collective From April 13th to May 13th, 2023
Treure’s les ulleres de rosa From March 7th to April 8th, 2023
Llenguatges del gravat Sergi Barnils- Antoni Tàpies- Antonio López- Tomasa Martin- Albert Ràfols Casamada- Subirachs- Josep Vallribera- Josep Simó- Benjamí Tous- Pilar Valdivieso- Josep Ripoll- Mònica Castanys- From February 3rd to February 28th from 2023
Voldria ser un peix Sònia Alins Eugènia Besora Oró Núria Costa Rosa Franco Chus G. de Oteyza Monti Mateu Josep Mateu AKA Modesto Emili Morreres Antoni P. Vidal Gabriel Pérez Bolaño Carles Porta Josep Pulido Núria Roselló Elisenda Santacreu i Carme Villafranca. From February 3rd to February 28th from 2023
#di8Nadals From December 7th, 2022 to January 21st, 2023
Projecte Mauri From October 11th to November 26th, 2022
Art de frontera From September 2nd to October 2nd, 2022
Lleida amb els cinc sentits Collective From June 29th to July 30th, 2022
LUMÍNIC From June 21st to July 30th, 2022
Els llibres de Joanpere Massana From May 15th to June 18th, 2022
Diàspores naturals cap a Lleida From April 12th to May 9th, 2022
Affordable Art Fair Brussels From March 23rd to March 27th from 2022
Llenguatges. Dona i artista. From March 4th to April 3rd, 2022
Panoràmiques Xano Armenter Miquel Barceló Sergi Barnils  Lita Cabellut  Eduardo Chillida Dalí Guinovart   Gregorio Iglesias Mayo Àngel Jové Antonio López  Didier Lourenço Antoni Llena Man Ray  Javier Mariscal Lídia Masllorens Joanpere Massana  Joan Miró Jaume Plensa  Julio Vaquero Josep Vallribera  Josep Maria Subirachs Magí Puig Antoni Tàpies Manolo Valdés Joan Hernández Pijuan From February 3rd to February 28th from 2022
Col·lectiva de Nadal 2021 From December 15th, 2021 to January 30th, 2022
Imprescindibles From December 11th, 2021 to January 30th, 2022
Al·legoria de la forma From November 9th to December 9th, 2021
Poptears Narcís Gironell From October 8th to November 5th, 2021
Dones no desdibuixades Collective From September 4th to October 4th, 2021
Cambra de confinament From July 7th to August 30th, 2021
David Callau IN/Tacte Collective From May 28th to June 29th, 2021
Exposició col·lectiva Endins From April 15th to May 22nd, 2021
#universfemeni From March 5th to April 10th, 2021
L’instint de pintar From December 11th, 2020 to January 26th, 2021
Observant el camí de la mà d’en Robert Walser From November 6th to December 6th, 2020
Octubre – Gregorio Iglesias Mayo From October 3rd to November 3rd, 2020
Girant Amb… Petons i Abraçades Collective From September 4th to September 30th from 2020
Exposició Quimera de Lily Brik From July 4th to September 6th, 2020
Exposició Nocturn de Josep Maria Cazares From June 4th to July 3rd, 2020
Art & Dones From March 6th to April 3rd, 2020
15 anys 15 artistes Collective From December 13th, 2019 to January 23rd, 2020
Cisalla pedra paper From November 8th to December 13th, 2019
Confluències From October 4th to November 4th, 2019
Anaven tots a un altre mar Collective From September 5th to October 5th, 2019
Paisatges viscuts From June 7th to July 7th, 2019
Benvinguts a Palm City Collective From May 9th to June 5th, 2019
“De 0” From April 5th to May 6th, 2019
Col·lectiva dones Collective From February 8th to March 4th, 2019
Emerging Dreams From January 4th to February 4th, 2019
Col·lectiva de Nadal i Guinovart a Cavallers Collective From December 11th, 2018 to January 27th, 2019
Eva Llorens Collective From November 7th to December 4th, 2018
Caixa Negra Collective From October 10th to November 5th, 2018
Art emergent From August 31st to September 30th, 2018
Civilitzacions Collective From July 7th to August 4th, 2018
Expocició col.lectiva de gravat From May 18th to June 4th, 2018
Figures From April 20th to May 18th, 2018
Dones d’Art Collective From March 8th to April 7th, 2018
Uceda Collective From February 5th to March 5th, 2018
Diàlegs Collective From December 4th, 2017 to January 17th, 2018
Ad Lib Collective From November 4th to November 30th from 2017
Caixa negra 2017 Collective From October 6th to November 2nd, 2017
Fruïnt From September 1st to September 30th from 2017
Collage 4 visions Collective From July 8th to September 5th, 2017
Paraules + Imatges From June 16th to July 29th, 2017
Interiors exteriors From May 5th to June 5th, 2017
Antoni Llobet Collective From March 3rd to March 26th from 2017
Teresa Capell Collective From February 3rd to February 28th from 2017
Format gran format petit Collective From December 16th, 2016 to January 30th, 2017
Combinatòria From November 11th to December 11th, 2016
Caixa negra 2016 Collective From October 10th to November 5th, 2016
Representacions Collective From September 3rd to October 3rd, 2016
Interiors de Ricard Guiu Collective From July 1st to July 30th from 2016
El món dels Moscardó’s From May 20th to June 20th, 2016
Pilarin Collective From April 8th to May 8th, 2016
En Femení From March 5th to April 5th, 2016
Azadeh Khajeh Collective From January 31st to February 28th, 2016
Nadal 2015 From December 12th, 2015 to January 27th, 2016
Cartografías de un marino en tierra Collective From November 13th to December 10th, 2015
Xano Armenter Collective From October 16th to November 7th, 2015
Victor Mateo Collective From September 9th to October 14th, 2015
Le cycle destructif-renouveau Collective From June 25th to July 11th, 2015
Estrats From May 15th to June 13th, 2015
Volum/3 Jazz+Covers Collective From April 24th to May 10th, 2015
Natallia Domanova Collective From April 1st to April 30th from 2015
Un crit al cel Collective From March 6th to March 31st from 2015
Tot plegat Collective From February 6th to March 8th, 2015
Realismes From December 14th, 2014 to January 31st, 2015
Perico-Gosé From October 31st to December 10th, 2014
Ghiribizzo Collective From September 5th to September 30th from 2014
Color, traç i forma From June 13th to June 30th from 2014
Art per un nou sostre From May 8th to June 13th, 2014
Calats Collective From April 10th to May 2nd, 2014
Les somiants From March 8th to March 29th from 2014
La força del color Collective From February 7th to March 1st, 2014
Mou-te From December 12th, 2013 to January 30th, 2014
Thempo de l’artista Tomàs Roca Rodenas Collective From November 15th to December 7th, 2013
L’imaginari de Josep Uclés Collective From October 4th to November 2nd, 2013
Espais oberts de Neus Colet Collective From September 7th to September 30th from 2013
Ridha Ben-Arab Collective From July 5th to September 5th, 2013
Colors de primavera colors d’estiu From June 14th to July 7th, 2013
Carmen Giráldez Collective From May 8th to June 7th, 2013
Joveguille Collective From April 4th to April 27th from 2013
Maternitat From March 1st to April 1st, 2013
Seqüències From December 13th, 2012 to February 28th, 2013
Angoixes, obsessions, desitjos From November 7th to December 10th, 2012
Retrospectiva d’Isidre Mercadé Collective From September 21st to October 22nd, 2012
Als ulls del nauta From June 20th to September 15th, 2012
Escombres del temps de Benjamí Tous Collective From May 18th to June 17th, 2012