Espai Cavallers


Your Art Gallery in Catalonia

Exhibitions, Artists, Events, Art Club, and much more

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Reportatge del Carrer Cavallers a TVE

El passat mes de maig es va emetre a TVE un programa molt especial per a Lleida, la galeria i en concret per al Carrer Cavallers; el programa “De Carrer” va fer un reportatge sobre la història i els llocs del Carrer Cavallers, en el qual la directora de la galeria, la Roser Xandri, va […]

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The Artists's Workshop

Gregorio Iglesias

We visit the workshop of the artist Gregorio Iglesias, Borges Blanques, Lleida. Espai Cavallers Gallery His works are almost always marked by his own feelings, which he captures with a firm stroke with his brush. His technique is markedly gestural and moves between figuration and abstraction. Thus, his language cannot be separated from his experiences, […]

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